First Rice Harvests in Rio Grande do Sul Show a High Percentage of Whole Grains

Unlike last year, when flooding caused significant losses in the state, this year’s forecast predicts a full and productive harvest.

Accounting for 70% of rice production in Brazil, Rio Grande do Sul officially kicked off the 2024/2025 Lowland Rice and Grain Harvest this week. The first harvests in the central region of the state show a high percentage of whole grains, with a moderate amount of chalky and white belly grains, staying within expectations for a quality crop.

Unlike last year, when flooding caused significant losses, this year’s forecast predicts a full and productive harvest. This statement comes from Guilherme Pereira dos Santos, coordinator of the laboratory at Dickow Alimentos Ltda, based in Agudos (RS). The city, located along the Jacuí River, was one of the areas heavily affected by the 2024 floods.

However, expectations for the current harvest are positive, with the entire planted area expected to be harvested on time and productivity meeting industry demands. Traditionally, the central region of the state produces high-quality rice, a key market differentiator.

The Ideal Harvest Timing and Its Impact on Grain Quality

Determining the optimal harvest point is crucial to ensuring rice quality. If harvested with very high moisture levels (25%-26%), the grains become more susceptible to breakage and threshing difficulties, leading to significant losses for farmers. On the other hand, if moisture is too low (16%-17%), the yield of whole grains decreases, as they remain exposed in the field for longer, making them vulnerable to pests and climate variations, directly affecting the price paid to producers.

“The ideal harvest moisture level is between 19% and 23%, as this range allows for an efficient process and ensures a high yield of whole grains. This approach meets both the farmer’s needs and the requirements of the industry and final consumers, who seek Type 1 rice with long, translucent, and loose grains, offering good volume when cooked,” explains Guilherme.

Another critical aspect he highlights is that, after harvest, proper rice storage requires specific care, including monitoring moisture levels, grain mass temperature, impurities, and pest infestation.

“High moisture levels can accelerate grain metabolism, leading to defects such as yellowing, while excessively low moisture levels can cause weight and volume loss due to excessive water removal, making the product too dry. Therefore, maintaining moisture within the proper range is essential to preserving the quality and quantity of stored rice for as long as possible,” he adds.

The Importance of Proper Storage

Agronomist Roney Smolareck, from Loc Solution, the company that owns the Motomco brand of grain moisture meters, emphasizes that rice harvesting requires special attention, as grain quality is influenced by multiple factors, from sowing to harvesting at the right time to prevent productivity losses.

“During storage, steps such as moisture and temperature monitoring, aeration, and disease control must be taken to prevent losses and ensure the quality and safety of the rice,” says Smolareck. “Machines, equipment, and moisture meters must be well-calibrated and maintained to protect the value of the product for both farmers and grain storage facilities.”

The rice production chain in Rio Grande do Sul involves approximately 18,000 farmers, spread across 180 municipalities, along with 200 processing industries. According to the Rio Grandense Rice Institute (Irga), the state planted 970,194 hectares of rice this season, representing a 7.8% increase compared to last year. Rice is the second most important agricultural product in the state, behind only soybeans.

About Loc Solution / Motomco

Loc Solution, based in Curitiba, owns the Motomco brand of grain moisture meters. The company manufactures, sells, and rents equipment, being a reference in various agricultural regions across the country. Originally from Canada, Motomco is the national leader in grain moisture meters.

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